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The Swan and the Grail
About the author
Future publications

Coming in November, 2000:

Jacob's Garden (poetry with photography)
by Sally Belenardo

Read a sample poem - Myrtle - Sunflowers

Chronicles of Healing Self with Nature (short story, poetry, essay)
by Sue Holloway

Please call or FAX (203) 481-8747 or e-mail [email protected] for more information.

About the Artist: Sue Holloway, Ph.D.

wpe1E.jpg (47564 bytes)Author of Swan in the Grail, nonfiction (Gaiaquest, 1999), this photo-journalist pens a "Back to Earth" column for four shoreline newspapers, including Madison's The Source; and a "Women of Spirit" column for Woman magazine, The Connecticut Post. Other books include Chronicles Of Healing Self With Nature (1995, rev. forthcoming 2000) and several poetry chapbooks. Op-eds appear in The Day (New London) & New Haven Register.

Her poetry is featured in Writing Nature, Whole Terrain, Connecticut Poet, Heartbeat of New England: An Anthology of Contemporary Nature Poetry (2000), and other journals, as well as on audiotape.

A volunteer rescuer of wildlife, Dr. Holloway is on the Board of Directors of the Branford River Raptor Center & serves as advisor to the Branford Land Trust. (1996-2000.) An Adjunct Professor in Educational Foundations and Women's Studies at SCSU, she is currently writing a novel on the return of the snow geese.

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Getting a taste of God's creation as it should be!

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