Recommended Reading List
Animal Products and Chronic Disease Risk
The China Study (Dallas: BenBella Books, 2006) by Cornell University Nutrition Professor T. Colin Campbell
Forks Over Knives by T. Colin Campbell and Calwell Esseylsten, MD (Cleveland Clinic) - DVD and book.
Books by Dr. Jane A. Plant:
The No-Dairy Breast Cancer Prevention Program. (London: Virgin Publishing, 2000)
Your Life in Your Hands: Understanding, Preventing and Overcoming Breast Cancer (New York: Thomas Dunne Books, 2001) [Same book as above]
Understanding, Preventing and Overcoming Osteoporosis (London: Virgin Books Ltd., 2004)
Understanding, Preventing and Overcoming Prostate Cancer
Your Life in Your Hands: Understanding, Preventing and Overcoming Breast and Ovarian Cancer
Books by John A. McDougall, MD:
The McDougall Plan
McDougall's Medicine - A Challenging Second Opinion
McDougall Program for Women
Other Books
Plant Roots, Reasons Why the Human Diet Is Rooted in Plants by Rex Bowlby (Outside the Box Publishing, 2003)
The Protein Myth: Significantly reducing the Risk of Cancer, Heart Disease, Stoke and Diabetes by David G. Irving (John Hunt Publishing, 2011)
Recommended Website for further info: Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (