
Lowering Your Cancer Risk through Food Choices 

A Free Presentation by George Eisman, MA, Msc, RD

Learn the latest about which foods lower cancer risk and which foods elevate risk, and how to substitute one for the other without risking nutritional deficiencies. Learn why many foods considered "heart-healthy" can actually raise cancer risk (and don't do much for your heart either).
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About the Speaker:
George Eisman has been a Registered Dietitian for over 30 years, having worked at Miami Children's Hospital and at Wesley Woods Nursing Home in Atlanta, before serving as a Public Health Nutritionist for the State Health Departments of Florida, Georgia, and North Carolina. He has taught nutrition at the college and university level at Florida State University, Broward Community College, Miami-Dade Community College and most recently at Cornell University in New York. He is the author of Food Choices and Cancer: How Your Diet Affects Risk  and The Most Noble Diet. He is currently the Nutrition Director for the Coalition for Cancer Prevention based in Watkins Glen, New York.  


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