
New evidence that eating more vegetables and fruits and less meat and other animal products reduces cancer rates.

Meat and Cancer:

A higher intake of meat, including poultry and fish, is associated with a significantly higher breast cancer incidence rate. (European Journal of Cancer Prevention, 2008. 17:39-47).

Dairy and Cancer: Statistics show that death rates due to breast cancer are considerably higher in areas with a high dairy consumption. (British Journal of Cancer 24, 633-43).

Studies have shown that every glass of milk a woman consumes on average each day raises her risk of dying from ovarian cancer by 20%. (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2004).

Perhaps Most Disturbing of all:

Children who consume a diet which includes 2 or more cups of milk a day have almost three times the risk of developing colorectal cancer in adulthood compared with children who consume less than ½ a cup per day. This was a study conducted over a period of sixty-five years. These findings held true even after researchers adjusted for differences in meat, fruit and vegetable intake, as well as socioeconomic status. (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2007, 86:1722-1729)

The links to cancer are attributed to some of the growth hormones which are naturally in animal milks -meant to grow small calves into giant cows in less than a year - which are proteins, other proteins such as casein and other non-fat parts of the milk, dairy and meat products … so using low-fat dairy products, skim milk and lean meat does not lower the risk.

It takes ten pounds of milk to make one pound of cheese. Milk (and hence cheese) contains addictive substances to keep the calf close to its mother. Break the habit!

What about organic:

Organic animal products (beef, poultry, dairy) contain only slightly less of the growth hormones that are naturally in these products. No study has shown that using organic rather than conventional animal products these lessens cancer risk. Better choices are meatless burgers and plant-based milks (soy, rice, almond, etc.)

Organic fruits and vegetables do show better nutritional value and less pesticide residues – the conventional produce with highest pesticide residues are: Peaches, Apples, Bell Peppers, Celery and Strawberries.

Eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables (especially greens), and getting your protein from beans, nuts, seeds and whole grains lowers cancer risk and heart disease risk as well (the two leading causes of death in Americans). And those greens provide even more calcium than milk on a nutrient per calorie basis.

For more information see (Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine)

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