Why God Provided MannaWhy God Provided Manna as a Main Staple Food for Israel in the Desert
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In Reference to: Why God Provided Manna as a Main Staple Food for Israel in the Desert

By Catherine Sarah Manna - 27 Aug 2010

Thank you Dearest Frank!!

You are right! When it all comes down to the very heart of what is inside the heart of mankind, the end result is the choice one has and will eventually make after all that is said and done, without excuses and reasoning which I have heard a million times over, but this...and that...but, but, but...everything is always being pointed in one direction up!!

When we all realize the Creator's original plan and intention is in that very first chapter of Genesis, where it all began, in the garden of Eden!! so very amazing!! and blessed are those who realize this and follow it even to the place where we want to go...paradise!!

By turning back to God our creator, and that original purpose and plan, it cant get better. There is nothing better than that ever!!

That temporary allowance of meat eating we just like that word means, temporary and why? only to teach us finally the truth, to be lead back to Genesis diet way, Yahwah's way...this is so true!

They say, why settle to less, when you can have the best. when we know we can do better, live better, have better, a righteous person will think, ponder, consider, make the changes necessary to be in harmony with it, and they will do it gladly, whole heartedly, from the heart, with happiness joy, eagerness, anticipation!!

Thanks for sharing your thoughts Frank, always appreciated!!

God's blessings to you and your dear loved ones..

Peace and love,

Catherine Sarah Manna

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