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By Frank and Mary Hoffman - 31 Dec 2014

In Reference to: 21 December 2014 - Second Coming Hope: the Restoration of a Peaceful Creation

Dear Nelson:

Thank you very much for your detailed reply.

We will definitely keep Dick in prayer. We’re not sure why he has not accepted Jesus as his personal Lord and Savior, because we teach its importance, but also that when the Holy Spirit comes into our life that we must let Him soften our heart and soul and change us into a child of God.

It is at this point when we totally submit to the Holy Spirit, that we believe that with a soft heart and soul, we can no longer intentionally do harm to others living being or God’s creation, and as such that we have a desire and urge to help free creation from its present corruption (Romans 8:18-23).

From your description, it appears that Dick has accepted or allowed the Holy Spirit to soften his heart, so perhaps he just doesn’t understand something, because everything should be working together. We are to all be peacemaking children of God (Matthew 5:9)

We look forward to hearing from you again.

In the Love of the Lord,

Frank and Mary

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