In Reference to: 17 January 2016 - Discerning Godly Lifestyles
Dear friends, I LOVE to see the Scriptures of God wherever they appear - on page or or marquis or internet! For this I thank you!
I have a dear friend who often sends me links to the website, many of which I cannot read or view in full, they hurt my heart too much! Both for the pain and suffering they want to show and also for the misinformation they want to give. I know her heart (and most of the others writing and filming) are full of compassion and for this I thank Our Lord Jesus. My friend knows that I support humane farming methods...
But misinformation does seem to be spreading. Twice recently, for example, were entries implying that "Jesus was a vegan".
So when I saw your sermon with actual references to Psalm 36, John 2 and 1 Corinthians, I was happy to read in full.
I am so disappointed! Are you not believers in the Truth of Christ? Do you not know that He was born a Jew and lived a sinless life according to the Jewish Scriptures?
Your treatment of Psalm 36 tells me you disagree with the Word of God that tells us "David was a man after God's own heart" and this tells me that the place of Jesus Christ in the eternal line of David's kingship of Israel is not all that it is meant to be in your understanding.
Your teaching about the wine at Cana is another disappointment because you imply that Mary the mother of Jesus may have been a trivial, prideful woman and that Jesus may have performed his first recorded, earthly miracle in an effort to please her.... Scripture tells us that to please men rather than God is sin.
Do you believe that the Bible is God's Word? I refer you to the Book of Genesis to discover that God Himself slaughtered the first animals (making skins for Adam and Eve). Was this done in anger or spite? Or because Our Creator did not love the animals?
In Eden before the sin of man, there was no death and God tells us "I have given you every green plant for food". Similarly, in the prophecy of the Coming Kingdom of Messiah, we know that the "Lion will eat grass like the ox". This is God's veganism....
In between these two ideal worlds, how shall we live? To answer this, God gave the Law to Moses. Leviticus 11 tells us what we are to eat. The Gospel tells us Jesus obeyed His Law.
Dear friends, we are not on this planet to change the planet....we know that without Him we can do nothing. Our impossible task is this: we are here to live in love while still under the curse of death. (can you extend your "deathless" eating and dressing to "deathless" people? of course not.... yet!)
Please forgive me if I have challenged you unfairly (that would be if you are not believers in Christ-- we who do believe are exhorted to correct and challenge each other always to dig deeper into His Truth, are we not?) I do this in a spirit of joy, and hope you will continue to place Bible verses in your internet teachings -- God Himself promises that His Word will never return void, regardless of how we (I certainly include myself) may struggle in our interpretations. There is no greater work for us than to seek Him !
Go on to comments: By Frank and Mary Hoffman - 20 Jan 2016
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