In Reference to: 10 April 2016 - God Forgives Truly Repentant People
Dear Sharon:
Truly repentant people are more that those who say they are sorry; they are
the ones who are sorry to the depths of their souls, and do everything in
their power to never repeat their sins again. As an example, there are
relatively few professing Christians who are not deliberately contributing
to the corruption of creation and the suffering of animals.
Yes we are Trinitarians Christians and believe as your wrote.
Jesus willingly went to the cross as part of His betrayal, but His blood
must be coupled with our belief and repentance in order to save us, for He
tells us that many will say Lord, Lord, and He will say that He never knew
The Hebrews brought the sacrificial system from Babylon. It was never part
of God's creation or heavenly will. God desires obedience and not sacrifice.
And feel free to ask anything you want.
In the Love of the Lord,
Frank and Mary
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Apr 2016
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