In Reference to: 4 December 2016 - Christmastime Journey
Dear Frank,
I always enjoy opening up your sermons for I find great inspiration and am grateful to you for caring to share how to connect-the-dots and really find specific instances from which we can learn, if we are to follow the TRUE vegan lifestyle which also incorporates other actions we take. What's significant in your sermon, is to look, not just at our dietary habits, but to examine what we wear, too, etc., etc...
Why is this so important?
Well, for one, for those who are dietary vegans sometimes fail to realize we nourish ourselves through our own skins as well (or "pollute" both ourselves and the environment with what's directly next to our physical bodies) is this correct? I believe that the realization will come to us one day, hopefully, to look to seeking a closer spiritual-nurturing from G-d, and work on cleansing our emotional bodies FIRST, prior to satisfying our physical desires leading to unhealthy choices for us and our beloved planet...
Now, Frank, here's an additional thought on the locusts and honey described as the food which was written that John was seemingly living on at that time... he was gathering what he humbly was noticing in abundance, the locusts are a bit like crickets (I see the cats eating them in glee when they catch them for they're their source of emergency additional protein when other critters such as the rodents are not as abundant, when it's not their mating season) and the "honey" mentioned, I believe from research others had made was not from bees, but it is DATE jelly (I've made it, it's not all that sweet, but high in calories!!!) there are tiny black dates in a circular round form (like miniscule shiny balls) that have a very thin outer skin and small amount of nourishing filling that covers the tiny pits, you can see them on the ground where they've been blown down by the wind wherever tall date palms grow... in context, it might have symbolized how in tune with what's available to gather by hand John was... (presuming he gathered those tiny little round black ripe sweet dates and sucked on them to obtain their nectar)...
4. Now John himself had a garment of camel's hair, and a leather belt about his waist; and his food was locusts and wild honey.
John’s clothing and diet was both a symbol of the corruption of this earth as well as one of repentance.
Would you kindly explain, Frank, about the symbol of repentance?
Go on to comments: By Frank and Mary Hoffman - 4 Jan 2016
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