Health Position and Disclaimer
Robert Cohen,
February 2014
So...let's set the record straight. What exactly is yogurt? It's a delicious pudding-like snack consisting of jelly, starch, and flavorings with naturally occurring pus, hormones, and glue. Thanks to never-ending marketing, Yogurt-pudding is called a healthy snack which people eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and after-dinner snacks. Pudding with jelly.
"A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has
a chance to get its pants on."
- Winston Churchill
I am often asked:
"What about the benefits of yogurt? Isn't the acidophilus added to yogurt
good for you? Don't Hunzas wo eat lots of yogurt outlive every other
The truth is that the acidophilus bacterium added to yogurt is not absorbed
by the human body. It doesn't work. It's simply an unethical marketing tool
used by dairy producers on a trusting public. The Dannon Yogurt company
scientists admitted this truth but Dannon executives continue to lie to the
During the 1950's, teams of researchers "observed" that Hunzas regularly ate
yogurt and seemed healthy. The Pakistani Hunzas living in one of the most
isolated areas of the world (America bombed their mountains while attempting
to kill Al Queda leaders) craved the new found attention. One year after all
of the excitement of discovery, a group of 60 year old Hunzas mysteriously
became 75. The next year, they magically became 90. A few years later, they
were over the age of 100. The Hunza myth (Dannon's lie) has been exposed in
great detail in a book by Wilcox, Wilcox,& Suzuki, called "The Okinawa
Why would one small region of Pakistan, a nation roughly the size of
Connecticut and Rhod Island combined, have the average person living past
age 100, while the average expected age of a typical Pakistani at death is
The Hunzas are not a small tribe living in a remote mountain village with 12
goats and a few sheep, as Americans have been led to believe.
Why would the Pakistanis of Hunza be any different from those living in
Murree, Quetta, Ziarat, Swat, Kaghan, Chitral, or Gilgit? The truth of the
matter is that the people of Hunza are no different. Pakistanis (including
the Hunzas) eat similar diets and drink similar water. The answer to this
mystery perpetrated by Dannon is that the Hunza myth was invented, and it is
pure fraud.
The Dannon Yogurt research foundation publishes a newsletter extolling the
virtues of their product. Here are excerpts from a column written by Cathy
J. Saloff-Coste:
Lactobacillus Acidophilus
In the mid-1980's acidophilus was first suggested to have health benefits
for humans (1,2). Acidophilus occurs naturally in the gastrointestinal tract
but tends to grow slowly when added to milk (yogurt), leading to the risk of
undesirable organisms. There is no direct proof and no consensus among
researchers on whether or not added acidophilus in yogurt adheres to or
colonizes in the intestines (3). Few human studies have been performed. A
recent study reported that yogurt did not alter immunoglobulin secretions.
These results show no health benefits from yogurt consumption. (4)
Thank you, Dannon!
So...let's set the record straight. What exactly is yogurt? It's a delicious
pudding-like snack consisting of jelly, starch, and flavorings with
naturally occurring pus, hormones, and glue. Thanks to never-ending
marketing, Yogurt-pudding is called a healthy snack which people eat for
breakfast, lunch, dinner, and after-dinner snacks. Pudding with jelly.
Marketing geniuses have convinced consumers with a series of clever lies
that this high calorie food is a healthy dietary option. It is delicious,
just as ice cream is delicious. Healthy? You can bet your life that it is
* * * *
"I hope there's pudding!"
― J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
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We began this archive as a means of assisting our visitors in answering many of their health and diet questions, and in encouraging them to take a pro-active part in their own health. We believe the articles and information contained herein are true, but are not presenting them as advice. We, personally, have found that a whole food vegan diet has helped our own health, and simply wish to share with others the things we have found. Each of us must make our own decisions, for it's our own body. If you have a health problem, see your own physician.