These vegan health articles are presented to assist you in taking a pro-active part in your own health.
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A varied vegan diet can meet all your nutritional needs and is the best diet for animals and the planet – and we are designed for it.
'We are not suited to eating raw meat or cooked meat, even at moderate
levels, as these are linked to a wide range of health problems.'
- Dr, Justine Butler, Viva
It's natural for us to eat meat – we're designed for it, aren't we? Or is
this just used as an excuse to justify the killing of animals for food?
The answer lies in our past – what did our ancient ancestors eat and what
types of food are we best suited to?
Carnivore teeth?
The most common mistake is someone pointing at their little canine teeth and
saying 'what are these for, then?'.
I seriously doubt they would or could snatch up a rabbit and tear into the
flesh with these little things like real carnivores do.
A lion's giant canines can reach up to seven centimeters in length and can
rip just about anything apart!
Lions and wolves
We're very different from carnivorous animals such as lions and wolves – we
have short, soft fingernails and small, blunt canine teeth.
They, on the other hand, have strong jaws that can only open and shut, sharp
teeth and claws that help them to tear off chunks of raw meat and 'wolf'
them down without the aid of a knife and fork! Their acidic stomachs help
them digest flesh quickly and their short intestines allow the rapid
expulsion of rotting meat remains.
The diet of wolves, for example, consists mainly of meat from large prey
such as elks, with nutrient-dense organs eaten first followed by muscle
When carnivores eat saturated fat from meat, it does them no harm while we,
on the other hand, respond very differently. Saturated fat clogs up our
arteries and increases our risk of heart disease and stroke.
Rabbits, horses, and sheep
Herbivores, such as rabbits, horses, and sheep, chew from side-to-side, and
their saliva contains enzymes that begin the digestive process and they have
longer intestines to absorb nutrients.
When asked if humans are herbivores, carnivores or omnivores, Dr. William C.
Roberts, editor-in-chief of The American Journal of Cardiology said:
"Although most of us conduct our lives as omnivores, in that we eat flesh as
well as vegetables and fruits, human beings have characteristics of
herbivores, not carnivores."
Paleo diet
In the 1980s, US anthropologists Boyd Eaton and Melvin Konner suggested the
Palaeolithic or hunter-gatherer diet as a model for modern human nutrition.
Proponents reckon the mismatch between the diets of our ancient ancestors
and Western-style contemporary diets is to blame for our high levels of
obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. However, the average life expectancy
of our ancient ancestors was extremely low – just 25 years.
So, even if they did live on a diet of meat and more meat (they didn't) they
simply didn't live long enough to develop heart disease! Not a good starting
point for modern dietary recommendations.
Flawed theory
The theory is flawed on many levels. It assumes that our ancestors ate
mostly lean meat and fish but no dairy, some fruit, and vegetables but no
grains or pulses.
However, evidence shows that people in Palaeolithic times ate a much more
plant-based diet than this.
More than 9,000 remains of edible plants found in a Stone Age site in Israel
provide compelling evidence that they enjoyed a varied, plant-based diet,
including root vegetables, leafy veg, celery, figs, nuts, seeds and
chenopodium seeds, which are similar to quinoa.
Neolithic farmers
Another problem is the assumption that humans did not change from the
Palaeolithic era – about 2.6 million years ago – to the start of the
agricultural revolution.
Genetic evidence shows that not to be so and that we continued to evolve
well into the Neolithic era 12,000 years ago when farming rapidly spread
across Europe.
Geochemical analysis of grains and pulses from Neolithic sites confirms
that, like their predecessors, early farmers relied much more heavily on
plant protein than previously thought.
Relatively recent genetic changes that helped include the increased
production of amylase, an enzyme in our saliva that helps us digest the
starchy carbohydrates found in bread, rice, and other wholegrains.
Interestingly, domesticated dogs produce much more amylase than wolves from
whom they evolved – not in their saliva but from their pancreases – allowing
them, too, to thrive on starch-rich diets.
Another adaptation that favors a plant-based diet includes our ability to
build long-chain fatty acids, important for brain development and cognitive
Neolithic farmers probably ate less of these than their predecessors, and
evidence shows how we developed enzymes to build these long-chain fats from
short ones, found widely in nuts and seeds.
Meat did not make us smart
Despite the wealth of evidence that plant-based diets have fuelled our
evolution, the meaty myths persist, including the notion that meat somehow
made us smart.
In the 1990s, British scientists Leslie Aiello and Peter Wheeler proposed
the 'expensive-tissue hypothesis' whereby there is a trade-off between the
size of the digestive tract and the brain.
The brain is considered 'expensive' as it requires a lot of energy compared
to other parts of the body. The diet can only provide so much energy – so a
smaller gut allows a bigger brain.
Brain size
The theory is that eating meat enabled us to reduce the size of our gut,
freeing up energy to increase brain size. But research refutes this, showing
it was a combination of factors, including cooking that improved the quality
of the diet by making food easier to digest.
We also saved energy by walking upright, by growing more slowly and
reproducing later, and these factors fuelled the growth in our brain size.
We are not suited to eating raw meat or cooked meat, even at moderate
levels, as these are linked to a wide range of health problems, including
heart disease, diabetes and cancer – in fact, all the modern diseases Paleo
pundits suggest meaty diets can protect us against.
The research simply doesn't support the notion that humans are designed to
eat meat.
Western diet
The typical Western diet, packed with meat, dairy, and processed food, is
linked to a wide range of illnesses and diseases, but a Paleo diet is not
the answer.
All major health bodies recommend reducing meat consumption, not only for
your own health but for the planet, too, because livestock farming is having
a devastating effect on the environment.
A varied vegan diet can meet all your nutritional needs and is the best diet
for animals and the planet – and we are designed for it.
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We began this archive as a means of assisting our visitors in answering many of their health and diet questions, and in encouraging them to take a pro-active part in their own health. We believe the articles and information contained herein are true, but are not presenting them as advice. We, personally, have found that a whole food vegan diet has helped our own health, and simply wish to share with others the things we have found. Each of us must make our own decisions, for it's our own body. If you have a health problem, see your own physician.