"Joyful Curmudgeon" An oxymoron?
No! I see all the beauty of God's creation and I'm joyful. At the same
time, I see all the suffering and corruption going on in the world, and feel
called to help expose and end it so that we may have true peace and compassion.
U.S. primate experimentation is at an all-time high and the USDA allows facilities to perpetrate serious violations of the Animal Welfare Act without any meaningful repercussions, such as fines.
For more information and to find out what you can do, please visit:
To read “Letters and Responses” on our website, visit:
Contact info for Dr. Chester A. Gipson of the USDA is below:
Here is the letter we wrote:
23 March 2009
DDr. Chester A. Gipson
USDA / APHIS / AC 4700 River Rd.,
Unit 84
Riverdale, MD 20737-1234
Phone: (301) 734-7833
Fax: (301) 734-4978
[email protected]
Dear Dr. Gipson:
We have become aware of the increase in U.S. primate experimentation and the subsequent increase in violations to the Animal Welfare Act. An example: The Southwest Foundation for Biomedical Research (San Antonio, TX) was recently reported for beginning a post-mortem on a primate which was not yet dead.
We have also become aware of the flawed reporting of the numbers of primates being held in facilities. Often over 60 percent of the primates held by individual laboratories are not included in national experimentation figures. For example, the entire state of South Carolina is reported by the USDA to have used 471 primates in experimentation. However, the Alpha Genesis Corporation (Yemassee, SC) alone held 8204 primates.
These are only two examples of the many, very serious violations. Please see to it that violators are punished to the fullest extent that the law allows.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
Frank L. Hoffman
Mary T. Hoffman
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