Animals in Labs Article from

White Coat Waste Closes FDA’s Biggest Primate Lab

From Amanda Nieves, WCW White Coat Waste Project
August 2023

Back in 2016, we first uncovered that the National Center for Toxicological Research (NCTR) in Arkansas was addicting baby monkeys to nicotine. Your tax bill? $5.5 million. When WCW launched this campaign, NCTR experimentation was at an all-time high. 200+ monkeys were abused each year. Now it’s 0.

Monkey Gregory
FOIA to Freedom: This is an actual video of Gregory inside NCTR’s nicotine chamber. WCW shut it down and retired Gregory to a sanctuary.

Big win:

  • WCW has ended ALL primate testing and breeding at the National Center for Toxicological Research (NCTR)—FDA’s biggest monkey lab.
  • When WCW launched this campaign, NCTR experimentation was at an all-time high. 200+ monkeys were abused each year. Now it’s 0.
  • No other group has shut down a government monkey lab—or any primate tests in the USA—in nearly a decade.


Please read the ENTIRE ARTICLE HERE.


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