The notion that primate vivisectors are a good source of information about the natural history of all primates is just a bit of public relations. They often claim to be 'primatologists.' They want the uniformed public to think they are like Jane Goodall or Dianne Fossey. Jeez.
I went vegan in 1972 for ethical reasons, a decade or more before I
heard the word. In 1997, I learned that there was a giant
federally-funded place called the Oregon Regional Primate Research
Center that raised monkeys and employed a legion of scientists who
did hideous things to them. I learned that there were seven of these
hellholes scattered around the country.
(I was so alarmed by what I learned that I protested at each of
these hideous places for 10 days at a time. A year later, I did it
again, but this time there was a group of other concerned people
with me and we protested at other labs that also used monkeys.)
The Regional Primate Research Centers rebranded themselves as
"National Primate Research Centers" but nothing changed; it was just
a public relations gimmick.
After 25 years of gathering information, documenting their
hideousness, protesting, and criticism, I was pretty burned out. I
still am.
But, these dickheads can still push my buttons. All of these
shit-holes have public relations staff. That's a nice way of saying
lying asshole who makes excuses for the hideous things that are done
to the animals and their BS publications that claim their
experiments lead to important to medical progress.
The claim above, "Over 60 Years of Humane Animal Care" really pushed
my buttons. Part III of my 2017 book, "We All Operate in the Same
Way", Oversight and Regulation, documents many examples of the
failure of oversight and violations of the (very weak) Animal
Welfare Act. The notion that there is anything humane about these
hell-holes is the epitome of complete nonsensical public releations
Book link:
"We All Operate in the Same Way.": The Use of Animals at the University of Wisconsin-Madison by Rick Bogle
I stumbled across this bit of BS because I was reading about
geladas, a species of Old World monkey found only in the Ethiopian
Highlands. I stuck it in Google and got the Wisconsin hit. The
notion that primate vivisectors are a good source of information
about the natural history of all primates is just a bit of public
relations. They often claim to be "primatologists." They want the
uniformed public to think they are like Jane Goodall or Dianne
Fossey. Jeez.