Letter from Maureen DeLorme about Hunting and Animal Suffering
- 14 Jul 2008
Dear Frank and Mary....
Thank you so much for your encouraging reply! I am happy to send you some of my letters and columns, and have attached them, along with a very interesting article my husband found on Darwin and his obsession on hunting and animal suffering. I hope we aren't flooding your computer with too much information! Please feel free to publish any or all...
Regarding the article on Darwin...this came from ICR, the Institute for Creation Research. Just in case you are not familiar with them, they are a creation-oriented organization whose focus is creation vs. evolution. However, they also expound on the Bible expositorily through studies, as well as publish accompanying scientific information pertaining to God's creation....the article on Darwin is appalling but not surprising...when one does not recognize God [in Jesus] as ultimate OWNER of ALL He has created, then there is no recognition of stewardship, no concern of soul-life, no compassion as a fruit of the spirit, etc.
Regarding my letters and columns. I SO ADMIRE your GRACIOUS responses to hunters. My "style" is somewhat different. God has led me to be more confrontational in the form of "You brood of vipers, who has warned you to flee from the wrath to come". This I believe has a much-needed place in Christian dialogue at times when facing adversaries who are evil, or committing evil acts. As an aside, I'm a wimp face-to-face with hunters, but I do enjoy writing, and feel more comfortable at it. When I have written my letters, I can truthfully state that God has written every word, as He frequently wakes me up at night and I find myself actually "writing" the letters in my mind. When they go easily, I know it is from Him; when I am struggling to find the proper way to write, I have to stop and ask Him if this is His will, to make sure I am not stepping out of it.
One thing I didn't get a chance to put into my columns about the "Christian" Outdoorsmen group, was that in the full-page article on their nefarious organization, several photos showed fathers with their daughters holding guns. The appalling aspect of this to me was that here we have fathers intentionally altering the God-given compassionate nurturing nature of their little daughters and turning them into animal killers. Little girls are by nature loving and kind to animals, treating them like "babies"; as women were [and are] intended to be a complement and a softening to men's more brutal and rough nature. To take that nature that God has formed in them, and pervert it into that of a killing machine like themselves is truly sick, sick, sick.
Anyway, please let me know your thoughts when you have a chance....thank you so much again!
Much love in Christ,
Our God forever and ever; He will guide us until death [Ps. 48:14]
Reply from Frank and Mary Hoffman
Dear Maureen:
Thank you very much for the letters and articles, and all that you are doing to end the exploitation of animals.
In the Love of the Lord,
Frank and Mary
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