In a rare deviation from her usual rulings against showing animal cruelty footage, Judge Passaglia permitted Wayne to show the jury a video he took at Sunrise eleven days prior to the action. The clip showed a hen with a tumor on her eye, who seemed unable to walk properly.
Defendant Wayne Hsiung is on the stand testifying in the
#SonomaRescueTrial right now. He began testifying yesterday
afternoon and has already told the jury about his background, his
early rescue experiences, founding DxE, and what led to the rescues
at Sunrise Farms and Reichardt Duck Farm. He explained DxE's
commitment to nonviolence, and how, for us, like Gandhi and King,
nonviolence is not just about the absence of violence but trying to
intervene in violence.
In a rare deviation from her usual rulings against showing animal
cruelty footage, Judge Passaglia permitted Wayne to show the jury a
video he took at Sunrise eleven days prior to the action. The clip
showed a hen with a tumor on her eye, who seemed unable to walk
A Hen with a tumor on her right eye...
Wayne explained how he saw dozens of animals like this, who would very likely starve to death. The Press Democrat covered Wayne's testimony.
On Wednesday, the prosecution rested its case, after calling a total
of five witnesses: Michael Weber, co-owner of Sunrise Farms; Leland
Trumbo, a construction and maintenance employee of Reichardt Duck
Farm; John Reichardt, owner of Reichardt Duck Farm; and Sergeant
Daniel Ager and Deputy John Fomasi with the Sonoma County Sheriff’s
Reichardt testified that his company raises ducks “humanely” and
Trumbo claimed that, to his knowledge, animals are not left for days
without food and water and sick birds would not be allowed by the
USDA inspector to be processed. But the jury will soon hear the
There are more than a dozen defense witnesses planning to take the
stand. They will testify about the horrific things they filmed
inside Sunrise and Reichardt, the dead bodies they collected and
sent for necropsy testing, the intent they had in taking action to
rescue animals, the expert veterinary and legal opinions they
provided, and more.