True Christian living requires us to live according to Kingdom standards which bring Heaven to earth.
On November 19, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln delivered his famous Gettysburg Address. His words about the importance of freedom -- "government of the people, by the people and for the people," gave hope to America and the world.
But there was a fatal flaw in what he said and did. The awful carnage of the Civil War would have been avoided had people on both sides of the issues that divided them adopted the methods of dealing with differences that were demonstrated by early Quakers - and later by India's Ghandi and America's Martin Luther King. They provided a common cause that brought people together for the benefit of all.
I would like Vice President Gore and Governor Bush to answer the question, "Can you two provide a common cause important and strong enough to replace history's long record of human division and violence?" This is what our country and the world needs. This is the way to end bitter partisanship and futile arguments. This is what you should be talking about.
When the amount of money spent on weapons of war is spent on peace education and ventures that foster peace, the whole human family will have a great future. We will eliminate poverty and pollution and see the best in one another. We will join one another in projects to benefit people and planet. A great common cause can make this happen.
In the Civil War most of the people on both sides claimed to be Christians. So do Bush and Gore. Jesus said, "Agree with your enemy" and showed the way.
That doesn't mean that you agree with something that you don't believe. But if you reach out to others with God's love in your heart and look for important matters in which you agree, you will find a common cause. Focus on that will bring resolution of differences and friendly cooperation.
Let's end the world's long sad history of discord and violence and make taking care of our planet a common cause. Then the new millennium will provide peaceful prosperity -- and a World Without War!
Lincoln Forum -
John McConnell - Founder of Earth Day
1933 Woodbine St.
Ridgewood, NY 11385
Phone: 718/366-6963
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