Christian LivingHIPPO FROM KENYA
A Christian Living Article from Guide to Kingdom Living

True Christian living requires us to live according to Kingdom standards which bring Heaven to earth.

FROM Neville 29 September 2006 [email protected]

Dear friends

It is now 5 weeks since Hazel and I returned to join Mark at Nakuru in Kenya. That time has seen its share of encouragements and frustrations, the latter include the struggle to get a phone line installed at the house. That was completed yesterday so at last we are able to send and receive emails from home. Another frustration is the time taken up by visits to the Immigration Department to get permission to stay in Kenya byond the usual 90 day visa, each visit necessitating a gruelling and dangerous 3 hour journey on a road that carries heavy traffic and is in an appalling condition. Then there are the electricity and water 'outages' that occur with annoying frequency and irregularity - if they were regular and programmed one could be prepared for them.Having said all that it is good to be back seeing the people we know, visiting the orphanages, seeing the children we have known for 7 years in some cases, and meeting the many new ones, and visiting in their homes some of the families that Mark is helping.

The East African Mission Orphanage now has 99 children including 3 tiny babies. They also have taken in a 15 year old girl who is pregnant as a result of being raped by her father. Her confinement is imminent. Ralph and May took her out of the Juvenile Detention Centre in Nakuru having been asked to help by the police. They were told that of the 50 girls in there only 10 have committed any offence.There are alternative rehabilitation homes for boys but nothing for girls. They had some misgivings about taking her to live at the orphanage as you might imagine, but she is really pleased to be there. On top of that when we were there last Saturday they old us that 'out of the blue' a nurse from Australia had asked if she could come and help for a while - and she is a qualified and experienced midwife!

More later about Mission in Action (the Nakuru Baby Orphanage), the community feeding project run by Mark, the general food and agricultural situation in Kenya, and changes in HIPPO.

I just want to conclude by thanking those who have sent us clothing, magazines, and books etc. Such things are useful and welcome. Even warm clothing for children since because of the altitude it is quite cold at night here and sometimes during the day too. SH toys too, since most of the children in the community (as distinct from the orphanages) never have any. We can't help but contrast it with the superabundance of everything in the UK. As we sat in an elderly lady's hut the other day the baby grandchild she is caring for was cutting its teeth, and risked cutting its mouth, by chewing on the edge of an old broken metal framed hand mirror and we wished we had a proper teething ring to give her. Lots of them in the UK must be thrown away when they could be washed and put to good use. You may post anything by Royal Mail to Mark Fowler or Neville & Hazel Fowler (not to HIPPO) at The Old Vicarage, Llangynog, Carmarthen SA33 5BS and they will be redirected here by RM - we have already paid for that. Putting FOWLER in the top line of the address is vital because anything addressed to HIPPO will be redirected to our good friend and helper Alexandra Green at Leicester - which is fine for the cheques by the way!

We are always pleased to hear from anyone. Our postal address is PO Box 13200, Nakuru 20100, Kenya. Our landline phone number is 00 254 51 2214371.

Kind regards,
Neville, Hazel & Mark

Live simply that others may simply live!

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