Poems of compassion dedicated to the non-human animals who share this planet
with us and the people who fight for them.
As Jupiter goes into Great Conjunction with Saturn in 0 degrees of Aquarius on the Winter Solstice, December 21st 2020…
Let’s make KINDNESS our currency.
Let’s spread a Pandemic of peace and nonviolence for all beings.
Let’s LOVE like we’ve never loved.
Let’s EXIT this BRR…frozen-hearted state of being.
Let’s find at least 19 ways to serve, using our own, unique combinations of gifts.
Let’s flatten the tyrannical TOP: “down!”…and strive for inter-species égalitarianism.
Let’s remember, we all are conscious, feeling, relational beings who suffer; we all love life and fear death.
Let’s forget the tinsel and the gorging…and remember the terrified turkeys, the decapitated ducks, garrotted geese, the pigs without blankets, the lobsters boiling alive in indifferent pots.
Let’s worry about the agonized tears of others, and care less about the Tiers we are in.
Let’s “live simply, so that others can simply live.” Let’s “become the change” we “want to see in this world” (Mahatma Gandhi) – and help a new Paradigm to go viral.
Let’s put the “R” back into “covid” and crow about better ways of being. (Let’s be intelligent and adaptable.)
Let’s re-wild and re-green…and stop being naïve. Silence is…collusion.
Let’s be children of the Revolution, in the dawning of this new Age of Aquarius.
©Heidi Stephenson, December 2020
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