Poems of compassion dedicated to the non-human animals who share this planet
with us and the people who fight for them.
I知 a biophile, a biophile,
All living beings just make me smile.
I don稚 care about wee, dung, mud or bile,
If a creature痴 in need, I値l go the extra mile.
I知 a biophile, a biophile,
Whether fur, feather, fin, they could never rile.
My fellow kin live here in style,
A humble abode, but as haven, a pile!
I知 a biophile, a biophile,
My sentient friends should stay a while.
Whatever they do, it can never be vile,
My door is wide open and in they may file.
I知 a biophile, a biophile,
Hear of cruelty? Neglect? Just pick up and dial.
All animals welcome on this sacred Isle,
My love never-ending, as old as the Nile.
ゥHeidi Stephenson, August 2014
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