The Last Gray Whale
By Gypsy Lewis
An Animal Rights Poem from

All of God's creatures have rights, a fact that most people don't seem to recognize. This includes both human and non-human animals, but not all of them can speak for themselves.

The Last Gray Whale
By Gypsy Lewis

As the old gray, takes her last swim in line..
She knows in her heart, that it is her time...

The knowing thought, that soon she will sleep..
She splashes her tail, in one final sweep...

She remembered her mother, and the sound of her call..
And when they would migrate, in the season of the fall...

She thought of her calves, each and everyone..
Most of them had died, because of what man had done...

She envisioned her father true, who had swam by her side..
And when he was taken, and how he had died...

Life to her had been long, but she had remained free..
They'd left her to swim, all alone in the sea...

And in one final call, the old one does die..
With loneliness in her heart, and a sad tear in her eye...

By Gypsy Lewis 6/29/99

This is dedicated to Bill Moss and the group. Everyone's efforts are so
important to save the whales.


Gypsy, Diane, Dawg, Donald, Daisy Mae

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