Heather Leughmyer animal rightsAn Animal Rights Poem from All-Creatures.org


Poetry by Heather Leughmyer


Tears for my Sisters

For you, it's just a meal.

Heather Leughmyer animal rights poetry

For them, it's life itself.

I shed tears for my sisters while their rapists are paid -

Trained to impregnate and steal babies away.

Violated beauty -Bodies abused.

Regarded as only machines to be used.

I shed tears for my sisters who become more insane -

Through a perverted existence and their captors’ disdain.

Ruthlessly exploited -Spirits defeated.

Assembly-line-style, their suffering repeated.

I shed tears for my sisters so mistreated by men –

The devoted mother cow - The harmless little hen.

The intelligent sow confined to her crate –

Industry dictates that this is her fate.

I shed tears for my sisters as my daughter grows older -

And I’m able to kiss her - I’m able to hold her.

She was able to suckle - Never stolen away.

I was able to watch her get stronger each day.

I shed tears for my sisters because I am free -

As a female I question why them and not me?

Our organs are equal, our purpose the same –

Our differences subtle, if only in name.

I shed tears for my sisters whose tears fall as well -

With the desperate desire to end this cruel hell.

I can’t save their babies -Stop their pain or their sorrow -

But with my daughter I’ll fight for a better tomorrow.

Go on to: The Plea
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