There is something sounding in my heart,
A calling I can only hear
From the bottom of my grief,
Sunk right down to the hidden reef
Where, cracked wide open,
I feel it ALL.
Until I hit this bottom,
I lightly rode the waves,
I didn’t weep
Or feel the urgent stir, so deep,
To free all sentient souls
in thrall
I couldn’t see the shells and bones
Littering the sand below,
Those castoffs hidden
In my underwater midden,
“Less worthy are some,” I thought, to try and
cover sin.
Now something draws my eye,
Not from on deck,
But from sand-grazed knees,
And through the murk of blood-soaked seas,
A vent or fissure, through which God’s light
Seeps slowly in...
© Tami Hay 2023
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