All of God's creatures have rights, a fact that most people don't seem to recognize.
This includes both human and non-human animals, but not all of them can speak for themselves.
There is no greater TRUST than the one created by the bond between K9
law-enforcement working dogs and their deputy or police handler.
There is no greater LOYALTY than these dogs who would lay down their lives
for their partners and for you and me if called on to do so in the line of
duty; there is no greater COMFORT and ASSURANCE in public trust and safety
to know that is truth and can always be counted on.
There is no greater cheetah-like SPEED, to OBEDIENCE than by these dogs who
respond to their partner’s commands to words that need only be said once.
There is no better way to HONOR these dogs than to acknowledge, appreciate
and respect them and their partners, both together in service for our
safety, and to remember those partners lost together and forever to us and
their families.
There is no better way to PAY them back than to treat all dogs a little
kinder – a little gentler and with more compassion: those who serve our
military in war, guard our beaches, serve our customs officers at our
borders, our firefighters who save lives and property, our agriculture
agencies to safeguard our food, our rescue dogs who aid in disaster or in
loss of children or elderly, our assistance dogs who see and hear for us,
predict our diseases and alert our seizures giving us freedom to work, drive
and swim; those who are abused, exploited and cruelty treated for profit or
criminal intent, those who provide therapy to heal us faster, comfort our
needs, teach us to read and warn us of danger, and those who listen to our
stories when we are sad and share our joy when we laugh; who give us
friendship and companionship like no other; and those in all animal shelters
who were born unwanted, were neglected, abandoned and wait for a new and
forever home.
There is no greater nose to scent, eyes to sight, heart to give and no
braver or more courageous spirit to work and serve. Of these K-9 Working
Dogs also can be attributed the highest form of sacrifice by man “greater
love hath no man than to give up his life for another”. For every dog that
bites us, there is one of these – a special, elite and best of their breed.
For them Heaven’s reward is a special section across the Rainbow Bridge
reserved only for them where they play all day in meadows where angels sing;
and they never again hear the sound of another bullet. They are the very
special select ones whose life as a hero dog on earth represented the
highest in VALOR. May they and their partners always be blessed and watched
over by our Creator who you will find always in their name only backwards.
Celebrate with Honor -
March 13, 2010
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