Almighty God, we come together to thank you
for the beauty and glory of your creation;
to praise you for your holiness and grace;
to acknowledge our responsibility to animals
and for our use of the created world.
But, first of all, we pray for your forgiveness
because of our part in sins of thoughtlessness
and cruelty towards animal life.
Almighty God, you have given us
Temporary lordship of your beautiful creation.
But we have misused our power, turned away
from responsibility and marred your image in us.
Forgive us, true Lord, especially for
our callousness and cruelty to animals.
Help us to follow the way of your Son,
Jesus Christ,
who expressed power in humility
and lordship in loving service.
Enable us, by your Spirit,
to walk in newness of life,
healing injury, avoiding wrong
and making peace with all your creatures.
God of everlasting love, who is eternally forgiving;
pardon and restore us, and make us one with you
in your new creation.
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