Miscellaneous Quotes
"The concept of 'animal rights' values the simple premise that ALL living
creatures have a "right" to be allowed to live their lives without
victimization--free from brutality. It is a right that EVERY being strives for."
"Man IS superior to every other being...in his ability to excuse away those
parts of himself too vile for self-examination."
"Animal Rights - Rational, not Radical."
"Humanely" slaughtered 'meat', is an obscene lie invented and perpetuated by
people who are too lazy, selfish and cruel to change their dietary habits.
Forcibly denying a creature its right to life, love and companionship can NEVER
be humane."
"Compassion counts above all else -- more than intelligence, wealth, power or
prominence. Those who have it, and extend it to ALL living beings, fully
understand its potential to single-handedly change the world."
"You are now entering the Twilight Zone. A place where benevolence toward all
life forms is TERRORISM, punishable by prison today...likely, death tomorrow.
Savage, unbridled slaughter is the norm, defended as just and humane, as long as
money and power remain the blood-soaked, unholy grail. That's the signpost up
ahead. Next stop. A place where lies are proselytized as truth; stupidity as
wisdom; torture & death as honorable tradition, and contempt, arrogance and
rape, as benign and sustainable. The human 'hood--presently lost, insane and
rabid within its own cage--planet Earth."