Animal Stories from

A Child's Last Minute Change of Heart

From Zoe Rosenberg
Facebook posting, July 12, 2022

I asked if he’d surrender Brownie to an animal sanctuary instead of selling her online. He didn’t know this was an option and was so excited about the prospect of her being able to live out her life.

Turkey Brownie

A child’s last minute change of heart saved this turkey’s life.

Brownie was raised for slaughter by a high school student in the FFA (Future Farmers of America) program.

Kids in this program raise animals and then auction them off to be killed for food. However, at the time of auction, Brownie was a few pounds too light. She didn’t “make weight.” She was disqualified from auction.

The boy who raised her tried to sell her online, and I reached out to him to offer an alternative to slaughter. I asked if he’d surrender her to an animal sanctuary instead.

He didn’t know this was an option and was so excited about the prospect of her being able to live out her life.

So, on July 4th, Brownie left the FFA program and was officially guaranteed a life at sanctuary instead of slaughter.

Now, she is living at Kindred Spirits Care Farm in Los Angeles where she will be safe for the rest of her days.

If you are in 4-H or FFA and you want your animal’s story to have a happy ending like Brownie’s, you can email [email protected] for assistance.

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