An Article Series from 


Animal Rights/Vegan Activists' Strategies

The ALF Liberates Eleven Hens from an Egg Farm

April 2024

This time on April the second 2024 we liberated 11 hens from this filthy, horrible place. They are crowded by the thousands in a concrete building wiht no windows. No fresh air, no sundlight, no grass, so space just noise, bad smell, fecies, pain and death.

liberated Hen

2nd of April, Bavaria

Received anonymously via email:

“We came in the dark so these innocent animals would see the light the next morning. They did.

We have already been in the exact same egg farm 4 times before and liberated 36 hens from this place in total in 2023. We never claimed these actions until now because we hope the more actions are reported, the more people will be inspired to take action on behalf of the animals

This time on April the second 2024 we liberated 11 hens. from this filthy, horrible place.

They are crowded by the thousands in a concrete building wiht no windows.

No fresh air, no sundlight, no grass, so space just noise, bad smell, fecies, pain and death.

These poor animals are bred to lay an unnatural amount of eggs. They are only seen as egg laying machines and are sent to slaughterhouse as soon as the egg laying declines and the farmer makes less profit with them.

So if you are reading this we ask you to take action. Do some research , locate the farms in you area and go out at night and take as many animals as you caan carry. Make sure to find good homes where they can live in freedom and peace.

The 11 hens we liberated were brought to a secure , caring home where they have a lot of space to run around, they can now spent their days outside on grass, breathing fresh air and bathing in the sun. We want to use this moment now to express our gratitude to all those who offer a home for liberated animals. Thank you so much. We appreaciate everyone who takes action for these who have no chance but us. lets destroy the infrastructure of this slavery. While liberations, make sure the animals are safe and then destroy as much as possible.

We took dozens of eggs from the farm and fed them to the liberated animals. The eggs belong to them not to humans. If you cant carry loads of eggs just break them in the farm. This means financial loss for the farmer.

Expect to hear from us.


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