It's clear we're winning - find out how
Animal Rights/Vegan Activist Strategies Article from

September 2021

There is a positive in all this. The government know that we're growing in power and they're trying to intimidate us.

Animal Rebellion

Recent direct actions:

  • Climate activists Blockade UK's biggest milk factory calling for an end to dairy
    August 31
  • Animal Rebellion bloque la seuele usine de burgers de Mcdonalds au royaume-uni
    July 16
  • Animal Rebellion holds blockade at McDonald's only burger factory for more than 24 hours
    July 2021
  • Animal Rebellion blockades McDonald's only burger factory
    July 15, 2021
    Animal Rebellion blockades McDonald’s distribution centres across the UK
    May 21, 2021
  • For more information about these actions, go HERE.

As these direct actions come to a close, we've been reflecting on how Animal Rebellion has been targeted by the police, yet again. Over two weeks of impactful nonviolent direct action for animals, we've had unlawful arrests, house raids, vehicles seized and equipment confiscated. This has set us back financially quite significantly and we really need some help to cover our losses, which totals around £6,000. But there is a positive in all this. The government know that we're growing in power and they're trying to intimidate us. They know we're a movement that won't stop fighting. Help us get back on the streets for animal and climate justice, and donate now.

Here is a short list of everything that's happened to us over our two weeks of action:

  • Six houses raided, including the family homes of three rebels.
  • Four vehicles seized, including rental vans so we'll incur large fines.
  • 17 phones confiscated
  • Two laptops taken
  • Equipment for actions seized, including: harnesses, banners, wellbeing kit, leaflets and more

If you can spare just £10 or £20, we could reach our goal of £6,000 to reimburse rebels for stolen devices, pay our vehicle fines and replace equipment for future actions.

Thank you for all your help.

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