Anarcho Anti-Speciesists for Palestine sent a write up and video about their disruption in the Animal Rights Forum in Melbourne due to the welcoming of zionists as speakers. THIS IS FOR REEM - THEY ARE ALL REEM...
Watch video on YOUTUBE...
See Open Letter for background information PDF
We are autonomous anarcho anti-speciesist actionists who disrupted
the platforming of a zionist speaker at the Animal Rights Forum in
Naarm (so called Melbourne). We opened the action stating “This is
for Reem, they are all Reem” followed by “This is how Palestinians
are notified that they are being targeted by the IOF” whilst
throwing pieces of paper in the air titled with these words and also
quotes from the Zionist speaker, Maya Cohen-Ronen (M.C. Ronen). We
then commenced our speakout. We will let the video speak for itself
from there.
We refuse to have veganism co-opted by spaces that platform genocide
supporters with blood on their hands. Nor will we cower to
misogynistic violence and bootlickers.
Boycott and disrupt all spaces where zionists are platformed! Total
Liberation Now! Long live the Palestinian Resistance!
This is our statement:
We acknowledge that our resistance is being undertaken on the stolen
lands of the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation. Sovereignty was
never ceded and we acknowledge the ongoing effects and suffering of
colonisation on this land and those who have been fighting against
and resisting the oppression for over 250 years. We also acknowledge
the Elders past and present who continue to guide and teach. Always
was, always will be, Aboriginal land.
We are here today to oppose this zionist named M.C. Ronen (aka Maya)
being platformed at this forum in full knowledge that she is a
genocide supporter with blood on her hands.
We are here today because we oppose the genocide of the Indigenous
people of Palestine and some of us have had our community killed and
injured in the bombing of the oldest Greek Orthodox church in
Palestine by the Israeli Occupation Forces.
Over 29,000 Palestinian civilians have been killed since October,
including over 14,000 children – more than 260 babies didn’t get to
celebrate their first birthday. Over 70,000 Palestinians are injured
The fascist settler-colonial state of israel has ensured that there
is nowhere safe for the Palestinian people – the “safe” corridors
are corridors of execution. Rafah with over 1.5 million people
cornered is now a target.
Decolonisation is and should be the cornerstone of the Human
Liberation movement. This means cultural, psychological and economic
freedom for Indigenous Communities to have the right and ability to
practice self determination over their land, cultures, political and
economic systems. The colonisation of Palestine has caused the
occupation and dispossession of land, military rule over social,
political and economic systems which exploit the Palestinian people
and their resources.
Animal Rights Forum – have you not noticed the countless numbers of
other animals that have been killed by the zionists, either at point
blank or through the endless bombings in Palestine? Thousands are
traumatized, lying injured or deceased, under the ruins and rubble.
The donkeys, the cats, the dogs, the sheep that have been killed by
IOF snipers as ‘target practice’.
Animal Rights Forum – the weapons which are “field” tested on and
used to kill the Palestinian people are FIRST tested on and used to
kill other animals. The connect is here!
In front of a zionist being platformed at an animal rights forum
ready to deliver a speech about animal and human rights – but just
not those of all Palestinians and most certainly not those she
labels with the speciesist slur “vermin”.
She talks of human rights as though she is the defender of those
She talks of human rights as though she is not the violator of those
She talks of human rights as though she is not part of a political
ideology responsible for perpetrating the genocide of the
Palestinian people.
She talks of human rights as though the zionist state has not been
ethnically cleansing Palestine for over 75 years in the world’s
largest open air prison – by land, air and sea.
We reject the vegan washing of the zionist state. No amount of vegan
boots in so-called vegan armies will ever inform our position. The
oppression of other animals cannot be used to mask the subjugation
of the Palestinians over decades.
Zionists have turned Palestine into an open air slaughterhouse – and
here you have your token zionist platformed today.
We stand with anti-zionist Jews who are on the frontlines of
solidarity actions with Palestine. Judaism is not Zionism. It is not
anti-semitic to oppose zionism and this genocide.
The Palestinian resistance has deep seeded roots in every corner of
the world, including at this forum.
Blood on your hands Animal Rights Forum!
Shame on anyone speaking at this forum in full knowledge that a
zionist is being platformed! Get that Keffiyeh off your neck!
And shame on the Animal Rights Forum for also platforming
transphobes this weekend!
Long live the Palestinian Resistance!
Whilst we would have liked to to keep this write up strictly about
the genocide in Palestine and our solidarity action, we will touch
on a few other going ons (briefly as we don’t want this to detract
from why we took action):
We were physically and verbally attacked by organisers at the forum,
especially the lead organiser who launched at the activists pulling
speeches and flags from their hands, pulled at a keffiyeh wrapped
around of one of our queer comrades necks which started to choke
them, pushing and shoving us as mock security. We will always push
back against misogynistic violence in any space. This ugly display
of unprovoked violence towards women and non-binary folk was a
microcosm of the very violence the people in the room proclaim to
oppose towards other animals but then without hesitation replicate
this violence for all to witness. You have all become the very thing
you claim to be fighting against. In that moment you could have
listened – a mirror was being held up to a room full of hypocrisy
because it is necessary and long overdue. You’re also a bunch of
bootlickers for calling cops on other activists.
We thank our comrades at Melbourne Hunt Saboteurs for stepping up
and having our backs in a room full of bystanders showing them all
what being an accomplice to the Palestinian resistance looks like
whilst others stood back and told us “we aren’t discussing that
(genocide) here” and “you’re disgusting”. MHS also pulled out from
the forum without hesitation in an act of unwavering solidarity with
Palestine and our action. Head over to the hunt sabs facebook page
to read their statement and show them some solidarity. Link here:
To the orgs and individuals who have an endless list of pathetic
reasons why they couldn’t walk away from this forum in full
knowledge (prior to the forum commencing) that a zionist was being
platformed – f*ck you. We repeat, f*ck you. For all the times you
have looked away – for ignoring the fascists, the misogynists, the
transphobes, the conspiracy theorists, the anti-vaxxers, the
zionists in animal rights spaces. It is counter revolutionary! And
again, you looked away even though you were presented with an
opportunity to do better this time. If only you had an ounce of the
integrity our sab comrades have. Keep waving the flag of faux
solidarity with Palestine whilst some of you are even on the record
as financial sponsors of this forum. Your rich whyt girl tears don’t
affect us and nor does sliding into our DMs to attempt to school us.
You do not get to drive the narrative here. Your solidarity with
Palestine in the time of genocide shouldn’t be difficult – it should
be easy. Solidarity isn’t selfies months ago at a Palestinian rally
you attended, it is every day and in every space. There is nowhere
to hide now, you had the opportunity to walk – the rest is on you.
To the neo-liberal poster children for whyt and single issue
veganism in the room – especially the vegan saviour yelling “are you
vegan?” and “animal rights now” at us, role playing security trying
to push us out of the zio space whilst pointing to his Palestinian
wristband – yes, we are f*cking vegan and also yes, you’re a walking
hypocrite. #WristbandsForLiberation
And lastly to the coppers outside the Melbourne Town Hall – we saw
your hands on the OC spray simply because you were called to an
action by Palestinian actionists. Upholding settler colonial
violence everywhere you go.
Abolish the Police! F*ck The Police! ACAB!
After the outside action was concluded, one of our Palestinian
comrades walked across the road to rescue a gull (“seagull”) that
had just been hit by an ambulance. He held the gull with such
tenderness and love, caressing their head and kissing them gently
and then handed this individual over to us. We wrapped their dying,
almost lifeless, body in our keffiyeh. It was in that keffiyeh that
they died. In that moment it became clear to us that the love and
compassion shown by the Palestinian people for this animal was in
such stark contrast to the racism and hatred shown by the “animal
rights” forum and associated folk towards Palestine only a few hours
No one is free until all are free.
End the occupation!
All eyes on Rafah!
– Anarcho Anti-Speciesists for Palestine – Naarm