An Article Series from

Animal Rights/Vegan Activists' Strategies

World Vegan Month Call to Action: Deer-Aware Fencing

From Lee Hall, VeganPlace
November 2024

Let us call at least one major fencing company in our local area and ask them if they would stop offering this type of fence that injures or kills deer.

Spiked fence - photo source: Pixabay on Pexels/Canva

This World Vegan Month, let’s call at least one major fencing company in our local area and ask them to stop offering this type of fence.

Mary Ann Baron, of Philadelphia Advocates for the Deer, first told me how dangerous spiked fencing is to deer. Public officials know, if they’ve ever seen an impaled deer who failed to clear a spiked fence. I have heard a Radnor, Pennsylvania township police official call the sight an unforgettable horror.

And how many of us really need a fence — let alone one with spikes? Fences and walls are nuisances that fragment habitat. But that might be another blog topic altogether…

Some animal advocates have worked on physical remedies to spiked fencing. One subscriber to this blog remembers doing this at a cemetery in Williamsville, near Buffalo, New York. Advocates raised money for new metalwork that capped the spear tips. This story and picture may be helpful when talking with property managers, local officials, or fence companies.

running Deer
Startled deer can run into unexpected perils. Photo of running White-tailed deer by Jeff Houdret.

We Can Take Action.

This World Vegan Month, let’s call at least one major fencing company in our local area and ask them if they would stop offering this type of fence. Also look out for rails positioned so deer can be caught between them.

An online search for local fencing companies typically brings up these types of fences for sale. We can address the companies on social media, engage them in discussion, and ask if they’d consider discontinuing fences that pose dangers to deer. We can also ask our town governments and property managers to rule out dangerous fence styles.

Writing a column for your township news mailing is another way to open a dialogue.

If you have any reports on engagement in your community, kindly share! Readers beyond the eastern U.S. region: Do you know of other animals in your area who are similarly at risk? Please post a note in the comment section below.

Thanks to Maureen S. for contributing to my awareness of safety solutions.

Posted on November 9, 2024
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