An Article Series from

Animal Rights/Vegan Activists' Strategies

UPC "Don't Gobble Me!" Truck and Bus Ads Are Turning Heads

From UPC United Poultry Concerns
December 2024

UPC's annual Be Kind to Turkeys holiday bus ads and billboards.

holiday turkey kindness ads

On November 15, 16 & 17, we ran our “Don’t Gobble Me! Be Kind to Turkeys - Go Vegan!” message on a truck driving around downtown Washington, DC for 8 hours each day. In Austin Texas through the entire month of November, we are running our “Be Kind to Turkeys - Go Vegan!” ads on 45 King-Size Bus Posters plus 30 Bus Tails.

 holiday turkey kindness ads

What Can I Do?

To support our future bus transit ads, please donate to support this project. Each spring we also choose a city in which to run a transit ad for our International Respect for Chickens Day May 4/month of May campaign.

A city transit ad campaign costs $30,000 for one month.

holiday turkey kindness ads

holiday turkey kindness ads

Posted on December 6, 2024
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