Karen Davis, United Poultry Concerns: "This post expresses in words and photographs the difference between Goodness and Beauty versus Evil and Ugliness, the difference between Hope and Despair."
A cow who was rescued while pregnant by Lighthouse Farm
Sanctuary in Scio, Oregon gets to keep and have a natural
relationship with her offspring for the first time ever.
Animals go from numbers to names
Animals go from being livestock to being living beings
Animals go from being its to being individuals
Animals go from being subjected to premeditated cruelty and
destruction to premeditated kindness and aid
Animals go from being subjected to theft of their body and their
life to healing of their body and restoration of their life
Animals go from being raised for death to being raised for dignity
Animals go from living guaranteed short lives to living hopeful long
Animals go from knowing humans as terrorists to knowing humans as
Animals go from regularly feeling scared to regularly feeling safe
Animals go from being used and disposed to being autonomous and
Animals go from separation and segregation to connection and
Animals go from filth and disease to cleanliness and thriving
Animals go from receiving disregard and hate to receiving
consideration and love
Animals go from having their needs ignored and suppressed to having
their needs respected and permitted
Animals go from dying in someone else's slaughterhouse to dying in
their own sleep
Animals go from being chewed up and swallowed to being buried and
Animals go from living a life that should have never began to a life
that needed to begin
Animals go from protesting their life to cherishing their life
Please download the PDF for more...
A chicken no more than 5 weeks old being hoisted up by their wings
and then killed for the annual Kaporos sin-transferring animal
sacrifice ritual. This took place in the Crown Heights area of
Brooklyn, NY and the bird ultimately died in an upside down street
cone donated by the New York Police Department.