A vegan advocate's take on the most frequent questions and comments about being vegan.
Have you ever felt uncomfortable, awkward or misunderstood? Talking
about veganism is hard but remaining silent feels even worse. If
you’re vegan, you’ve decided to push against the status quo and
you’ve likely faced some resistance. I’m Anne and I’m an expert in
the art of Compassionate Conversations.
Conversations with a Friendly Vegan is a philosophy and a framework
that integrates the compassion inherent in veganism into our
communication with other people.
My mission is to shift the focus of vegan advocacy from conflict to connection by applying self-compassion, empathy and nonviolent communication. I want you to be able to confidently speak up in a way that non-vegans can hear. In this way, our compassionately expressed disagreements can actually bond rather than divide us.
Please download and share our CONVERSATIONS WITH A FRIENDLY VEGAN BOOKLET here.