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Animal Rights/Vegan Activists' Strategies

Captain Paul Watson Foundation CPWF — Ireland Chapter

From Alex Neubauer on Paul Watson
Facebook posting, March 2024

The CPWF is like a big Brotherhood, and we are proud to be part of it .ext

neptunes pirates

The CPWF Ireland Chapter was set-up in July 2023 by two ex members (a director and a volunteer) of SS Ireland after Paul’s expulsion.

Our team has now grown to twelve members, all very hands-on volunteers who go the extra mile and follow with the passion and commitment of Captain Paul Watson’s lead. The Chapter consist of our Leader: Alex, Secretary: Alan, Social Media Manager: Matheus and Campaign Manager: Michela,along with our other dedicated members Julie, Trevor, Aaron, Al, Celina, Jessica, Nicole and Charis.

CPWF Ireland has now around 2500 followers on Social media currently but with a very active social media manager, we expect that to grow pretty quickly. We have also planned to be at some of the big festivals and events with our stand to spread the word across Ireland, we also have plans to organise talks to corporate companies and work together with young adults in different organisations to raise awareness of the impact on what humans do to our seas, oceans and marine life.

We are currently planning two local Campaigns here in Ireland and we will announce these soon once the groundwork is complete. We also started the Artists for CPWF, where we have our first artist, and hopefully we have a surprise announcement in April.

Our chapter has a very open communication policy, so every volunteer knows what happening at any time, and can get involved. We work as a team worldwide, and the communication between all chapters in the organisation is just amazing. We have very good contacts to the UK, Northern Ireland, Spain and Germany, where we share ideas and thoughts.

The CPWF is like a big Brotherhood, and we are proud to be part of it. 

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