One of the most important things to remember is to have confidence. Only speak about things you are passionate about. You can always look up the technical or scientific detail but passion and sincerity can’t be faked. If you don’t care no one else will. This is key when you are speaking to people you know do not share your point of view.
When I was in high school I hated giving oral reports. This was the dark ages for technology, as in we didn’t have any. Giving oral reports in school was a dreary prospect under the best circumstances. My freshman year in college I was told that public speaking was a required course and yes that meant I would have to give a 5 minute speech. I tried many excuses but my professor wouldn’t budge so I settled into the horror of writing a speech. The day finally came and I was a hit, well the speech was since it was about sex education. The class was silent and focused. I learned that day the power of public speaking and never looked back. After that I loved the idea of talking to a crowd wherever and whoever they were, but to make an impact there was a learning curve.
Over the years I’ve given many speeches, dozens of interviews and spoken at hundreds of hearings. I met many people who hated public speaking. I helped many overcome their fear and learn to write succinct talking points to help them make a clear statement. Being concise in your point is key. Years ago one was given 5 minutes to speak at public hearings, now it’s 2-3 minutes which is barely enough time to get detailed information out. Do your research on what you want to say because no one sounds good giving a statement on the fly.
One of the most important things to remember is to have confidence. Only speak about things you are passionate about. You can always look up the technical or scientific detail but passion and sincerity can’t be faked. If you don’t care no one else will. This is key when you are speaking to people you know do not share your point of view.
Please read the ENTIRE ARTICLE HERE.