The world has many problems. There isn’t any group of people that isn’t negatively impacted by at least some of them. Think about what worries you, think how you might want to help, find a group fighting to change things. Let the power of advocacy work its magic.
The world today is a mess, perhaps this is the one universal
sentiment we can all agree on. Many people want to change what they
see as inhumane, misguided or wasteful policies. Those are advocates
looking to change the world. It’s a daunting task to attempt to
shift public opinion, especially long held beliefs. Amidst the daily
borage of sad, disgusting and dangerous news there are a few bright
spots that give hope. Perhaps humanity is not entirely lost as long
as some good things move us as a species toward a more enlightened
and compassionate way of thinking and acting.
Here are a few examples of how advocacy did manage to shift public
opinion and action. While they may seem small they all took decades
to achieve with relentless persistence by people who refused to
throw in the towel. All these shining examples are wins, but still
show how much more we need to do.
Please read the ENTIRE ARTICLE HERE.