An Article Series from 


Animal Rights/Vegan Activists' Strategies

Riding with Buffaloes, New Centre for Wildlife, India's Cats and Other News from Help Animals India

From Help Animals India
September 2023

cats underdogs

Dear Friend of India and Nepal's animals!

We hope you are doing well. We are ever grateful for your ongoing interest and support. The animal world's troubles may seem endless, but compassion never takes a holiday.

We'd like to update you on a few of our projects.

Karuna Society is one of our dedicated grantees in South India. Their challenge is great, feeding and caring for the hundreds of shelter animals in their care, including cows, buffaloes, dogs and cats. Since you may not be able to travel there, here is a glimpse of how the staff feed the cows. They are thrilled that people will be watching them from around the world.

Please take a look!

Topics include:

  • A new and improved centre for rescued wildlife
  • July Highlights from our project in Varanasi
  • Another captive elephant finds freedom at the WRRC centre!
  • Exposing Live Animal Transport in Nepal Sneha's Care Exposes Animal Cruelty!
  • In India, cats are the ultimate underdogs


Please read the ENTIRE ARTICLE HERE.

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