An Article Series from 


Animal Rights/Vegan Activists' Strategies

How you made impact in 2023 for We Animals Media

December 2023

This year, We Animals Media remained steadfast in our commitment to bring visibility to hidden animals—those trapped in our human systems of exploitation, be it on farms, in zoos and aquariums, in places of research, entertainment and religious sacrifice.

We Animals Media

Partnerships. Assignments. Fellowships. Campaigns. Strategy. Poignant photography. Films and awards.

These elements defined our most impactful year yet: 2023.

This year, We Animals Media remained steadfast in our commitment to bring visibility to hidden animals—those trapped in our human systems of exploitation, be it on farms, in zoos and aquariums, in places of research, entertainment and religious sacrifice.

Thank you for being with us in 2023! Every donation, volunteer hour and encouraging message has fueled our progress.

A few things you made possible in 2023:

  • Our visuals found a place in over 350 media outlets this year, prominently featured from Vox to National Geographic.
  • We expanded our work in Africa, Asia and Latin America, collaborating with World Animal Protection, Sibanye Trust, FIAPO and Sinergia Animal and others to raise awareness about diverse animal issues.
  • Independent assignments kept our photographers busy, covering events from the impact of California’s floods on dairy cows to drone footage of mega-dairies in Arizona, Indonesia’s wet markets, sheep farming in Slovakia, foie gras farms in France and more.
  • Our stock platform now boasts 25,000+ free visuals. This resource is fundamental to our mission of helping people amplify their advocacy.
  • By mid-year, our global network had grown to 100 talented photographers. These individuals venture into farms, slaughterhouses, wet markets and natural disasters with their cameras, putting them at physical, financial, and psychological risk in order to share these stories.

We Animals is a hub of ideas, activism, strategy, and momentum, and as a non-profit, we rely on your support. We hope you’ll join us in 2024 as we embrace greater responsibilities and set new goals for further impact and influence.

We offer you a heartfelt thanks for supporting our mission to help animals, serve the animal advocacy movement and create a kinder world.

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