We Did It!
Animal Rights/Vegan Activist Strategies Article from All-Creatures.org

FROM WeDidIt.health
January 2022

If you have benefited from a Whole Food Plant Based (WFPB) lifestyle then make it count on the Life Scoreboard, by answering this one-question survey.

we did it

What if you could improve the health of others by simply answering one question?!

If you have benefited from a Whole Food Plant Based (WFPB) lifestyle then make it count on the Life Scoreboard, by answering this one-question survey.

Once you share your outcomes on the survey, it immediately reflects onto our scoreboard.

Your action will inspire more people to make healthier choices.

The purpose of the Life Scoreboard is to provide actual evidence that there is a real solution to chronic disease. And when our loved ones see how many people, like themselves, have reduced their suffering, they too will commit.

Save more lives. Learn more at WeDidIt.health!

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