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Canada Goose Attacked, Euthanized in New Rochelle

June 23, 2013

A Canada goose that had its leg shattered in an attack June 14 in New Rochelle had to be euthanized.

According to a news report on, the goose's right leg was shattered and was put down the following day.

The article said a wildlife expert, Kate Murphy, who was involved in rescuing the goose, according to the Journal News, said there was a witness to the incident who saw a man hit the bird with a pitchfork.

An email received by Patch from Kiley Blackman, founder of the animal-protection organization Westchester4geese, said the attack was a disgrace. She said the witness stated the goose's mate and goslings were chased into the water because it was thought they would be harmed, too.

"The idea of people partying and boozing it up on a yacht while this savage beats a bird to death in front of mate and babies is beyond belief," Blackman said.

Murphy, who is a volunteer for Rye-based Animal Nation, said there were much better ways to deal with Canada geese.

"I am a licensed rehabber with five-years experience," she said. "I am willing to visit all the property owners in the Sound Shore area, free of charge, to offer them humane solutions for wildlife management and living in peace with all their neighbors."

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