Animal Defenders of Westchester

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Coyote statues to keep Poche pond clear of sea gulls

From Orange County Register
November 15, 2013

Officials say effort will help keep the beach, which recently received high marks for cleanliness after years of poor rankings, clear of bacteria.

fake coyote bird repellent

fake coyote bird repellent
Fake coyotes stand guard over the sand facing the ocean at Poche Beach. The decoys are there to scare away sea gulls whose droppings have been blamed for pollution at the beach.

Orange County is turning to trickery to prevent pooping scavengers from polluting a pond at Poche Beach.

Kevin Estrada, a county park ranger, placed a pair of fake coyotes on the sand Saturday, facing the ocean at the boundary of San Clemente and Dana Point. The pretend predators stand stationary but appear to be on the prowl to pounce on any sea gulls that dare land to drink from the freshwater pond.

�It seems to be working so far,� Estrada said Tuesday. ... (subscribe to read more)

WESTCHESTER4GEESE is an adjunct of ANIMAL DEFENDERS OF WESTCHESTER. We advocate against all forms of animal abuse and exploitation, including hunting, experimentation, fur, circuses and rodeos

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