Animal Defenders of Westchester

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We advocate on all animal protection and exploitation issues, including experimentation, factory farming, rodeos, breeders and traveling animal acts.

Animal Defenders of Westchester
P.O. Box 205
Yonkers, NY 10704

Stop Animal Fighting

Animals have no choice in fighting or racing

Published in METRO, 5/12/05:

Regarding the photo 'Horning in' (May 9) about the Battle of the Queens cow fight finals in Switzerland:

Please don't just accept at face value someone's contention that these, or any animals, "want" to fight.

This excuse is given to justify dog fighting, cock fighting and every other unsavory animal-related endeavor known.

This is even used to justify horse and dog racing.  "The animal loves it," they say, hiding the fact that these events are pure animal exploitation, in which animals who don't make the cut are killed and in which peaceful animals are beaten to make them run faster.

That your photo includes paying spectators illustrates an ugly statement on what human beings find entertaining.

I don't know whether the Queens cows naturally fight each other or not. I do know that I once interrupted a dog fight in progress - the dogs didn't want to fight, so the "humans" were throwing them at each other.  Don't believe the hype.

Kiley Blackman

Yonkers, NY

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