
Newsletter - Animal Writes � sm
26 December 1999 Issue

Great News for UK Mink
by [email protected]

Animal Rights Online is pleased to announce that on November 17, Tony Blair revealed plans to ban fur farming in the UK!

Currently, the Government is only targeting mink farmers, but their plans include a complete phasing out of fur farming from the UK. The amount of time they are allotting for an entire ban on fur farms is still unknown. It is expected that mink fur farmers will be given at least two years to end operations and there will most likely be cash compensation given to the farmers.

MP for Liverpool Garston, Maria Eagle, attempted to introduce similar legislation in the past. However, Tory MP Eric Forth initiated such an extensive campaign against her efforts that Ms. Eagle eventually gave up. Since the latest bill has official Government backing, it will be given parliamentary time and will, therefore, be less open to sabotage by the opposition.

In the mid-80s, there were approximately 70 mink farms in Britain. Today, there are only 13. The number of minks killed for their fur in the UK has fallen from 500,000 a year to 100,000 a year. Obviously, the demand for fur in Britain has decreased dramatically. In fact, in a 1996 poll, 75 percent of Britain's people wanted a complete ban on fur farming. Only one in 25 Brits wears fur. Of those who do, only one in 100 are between the ages of 15-24. As we see, the fur wearers are a dying breed. Maybe there is some hope for the future!

Source [email protected]

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