In this section are copies of original works of art. All of them are dedicated to helping us live according to unconditional love and compassion, which is the foundation of our peaceful means of bringing true and lasting peace to all of God's creatures, whether they are human beings or other animals.
(Artwork - 123)
Common Ringed Plover (Charadrius hiaticula)
The Common Ringed Plover breeds only in the northern latitudes of the eastern hemisphere, in a broad expanse from the high arctic of Eastern Canada, Greenland and Iceland east through the Scandinavian countries as far as the eastern tip of Siberia, and south, in the west, as far as northern France. It can be highly migratory with most of the population wintering in Africa, parts of Europe and the Middle East, but some birds in central and northern Europe are year-round residents or migrate only a short distance.
Those in the western part of the range normally head east before turning more or less south, but last year, inexplicably and to the surprise and delight of local birders, a bird in very nice plumage showed up in Toronto, and was seen and photographed by many. My friend, Jean Iron, top shorebird expert, was among those who confirmed the identity. I never went to see that one but I’ve seen quite a few in Europe. I’ve shown the bird on a pebbly part of the beach but they are more likely to be seen on open sand, or in a mixed sandy and stony area and can associate with other shorebird (wader) species or form small flocks when migrating.
As with other small, brown-backed plover species with partial or complete
breast bands, these charming little birds nest on beaches or flatlands,
laying their eggs in simple scrapes, often away from any plant growth or
cover. And also like other plovers, they have an elaborate “broken wing” act
by which they lure potential predators from the nest or young. Of course
they only look injured and when far enough away from the nest, they take
This simple little study was painted, approximately life-size, on a
pre-gessoed hardboard, 12 by 9 inches, in acrylics.
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Copyright © Barry Kent MacKay
Barry describes himself as a Canadian artist/writer/naturalist.
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