Council of Sustainable Activism (CoSA)
How to Avoid Burning Out as an Animal Rights Activist Articles from


In Defense of Animals (IDA)
January 2015

In Defense of Animals’ Council of Sustainable Activism (CoSA) provides tools and training that help animal activists succeed and thrive.

An activist life can be an immensely rewarding one filled with purpose and community. Through their hard work and commitment, there is no doubt that animal activists are improving the lives of animals around the globe. However, activism can be challenging intellectually, emotionally, and socially. Constantly defending the vulnerable and oppressed against the forces of thousands of years of culture and commerce, is not just hard work; it can put animal activists at odds with their families, communities, and society.

In Defense of Animals’ Council of Sustainable Activism (CoSA) provides tools and training that help animal activists succeed and thrive. Our goal is to help activists:

  • Gain clarity on their missions
  • Work effectively and efficiently
  • Create successful and satisfying careers
  • Balance their activism with the rest of their life, and
  • Avoid (or heal from) burnout and trauma

Activists can do lifelong activism while leading empowered and joyful lives by treating themselves with compassion, extending compassion to others in the movement, and offering compassion to society at large. For more information, please read our Sustainable Activism blog series.

Sustainable Activism: Healing and Support for Animal Advocates

President of In Defense of Animals (IDA) Marilyn Kroplick, MD, started CoSA to help animal activists deal with burnout, stress, and secondary trauma caused by the tragedy-filled nature of their noble work. As caretakers, activists need physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual healing to live happy and healthy lives.

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