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Horse-Drawn Carriage AccidentsCarriage Horse Accidents in the UK and Austria
From Coalition to Ban Horse Drawn Carriages
April 2012UK Daily Mail - 14 April 2012
Wedding day horror as bolting horse throws bride, groom and daughter, 4, from carriage into path of traffic on way to reception A couple in England hire a horse-drawn carriage.
This from the article: But Mrs Sykes said the drivers jumped from the carriage when they realised the horse was going too quickly. The horse began bucking and then hit a lamppost, dumping the couple and their daughter into the road.
They were all injured. It is not known what happened to the horse.
From the Vienna Times, 4 April 2012 - Fiaker goes on the loose in Vienna
["Faiker" is a horse-drawn carriage.]
Two Fiaker horses took off with their carriage and went on the loose from their stand in Vienna city centre. The two horses fled from their owner at Vienna's Heldenplatz - they managed to get to Michaelerplatz before they were stopped. No people were was injured in the event, but one of the horses has a slight foot injury.
According to police the Fiaker driver was at the stand at around 7.30pm on Easter Sunday and was about to leave for the day when the two horses were startled by a passing car. The owner tried to stop the horses but the horses fled with their harnesses and their carriage attached through the city centre.
The horses and carriage were stopped when one of the horses tripped and police could stop the animals and bring them to safety.
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