How to Counter Speciesism with your Language
From Animal Rights/Vegan Activist Strategies Articles Archive

Language is a powerful tool. The words we choose do
more than name or describe things; they assign status and value. Be careful,
then, how you choose words that refer to non-human animals, for you may be
using expressions that maintain prejudices against them.
— Noreen Mola and The Blacker Family
Why is language important?
- Studies have shown that language is influential in our perception of
the world. Cultures that have different words for colors or directions
have entirely different concepts of these things.
- This helps to answer the common question, “Why does language matter
if animals cannot understand the words I use about them?” They may not
be offended by what we say, but our words are influencing other humans
around us. If it’s wrong to objectify women even when there are no women
around to be hurt by yours words, then it’s wrong to speak
disrespectfully about animals even when they don’t understand us.
- Anti-speciesist language is a form of advocacy in itself, causing
others to ask why we choose the words that we do and starting
discussions about the overall treatment of animals.
- Other social justice movements have addressed the usage of language,
so it’s time the animal rights movement does too. From feminists
rejecting the universal usage of the words “man” and “mankind,” to
banning certain derogatory terms entirely in the anti-ableist movement,
activists have historically recognized the importance of language in how
marginalized people are represented and treated.
How to Counter Speciesism with your Language
Avoiding Objectification
Because animals are not objects to be owned, but their own persons...
- Never use "it" to refer to an animal. Instead, use "he," "she," or
"they." If we don't know a particular animal well enough to know their sex,
“they” is a perfectly suitable word.
Example: I saw a cat in the front yard, but it they ran away before I could see
if [it] they had a collar.
- Use "someone," "everybody," etc, instead of "something," "everything," etc,
to refer to animals.
Example: [Something] Someone is making a noise outside.
- Use "guardian," "parent," "roommate," or "caregiver" to refer to yourself in
relation to nonhumans who share your home. We are not their owners, because
they are not our property. The words you choose might depend on your
particular relationship with them and what feels most appropriate in your
Example: The rabbit's [owner] caregiver took her to the vet.
- Avoid the words that restaurants and grocery stores use to refer to dead
animals. Instead of “pork,” say “pig.” Instead of “beef,” say “cow.” Instead
of the singular usages of “chicken” and “fish” when referring to them as
food, say “a chicken” or “a fish’s body.” When talking about the secretions
and body parts of other animals, label them with the animal from whom they
were stolen. Say “cows’ milk,” “goats’ milk,” and “chickens’ eggs.” Body
parts were “a cow’s ribs,” “a pig’s feet,” “a chicken’s wing,” “a frog’s
legs,” and so on. Remember to make them possessive, instead of just “cow
milk” and “chicken wings” because it’s important to remind others that those
animals had ownership over these things that have been taken from them.
Example: They ate chickens’ eggs for breakfast and beef ribs a
cow’s ribs for
- Similarly, avoid using any words that refer to animals or their secretions
as food, such as “meat” and “animal products.” And remember, there’s no such
thing as “nonvegan food.”
Example: I don’t eat meat or any animal products animals or secretions that have
been stolen from them.
Example: There was both vegan food and nonvegan food products
of violence there.
Note: It may be necessary to use objectifying words for practical reasons,
such as when ordering food at a nonvegan restaurant when you need to make
sure that what you’re ordering is vegan.
Note: The word “product” can be used in different ways. Most of the time,
when we say “animal products,” we are using the term in a way that
commodifies eggs and cows’ milk, implying that they are products to be sold
and consumed (even if we don’t do so ourselves). That’s why we suggest
staying away from the phrase. However, saying “products of violence” like in
the example is using the word to imply that what (or who) is being consumed
is the result or outcome of violence.
- Don’t use the word “pet” to describe the animals you care for. Instead, call
them “roommate,” “friend,” or “companion.” These are words that describe
your relationship, so they are better alternatives than saying “my dog,”
since this is another way of implying ownership. We suggest saying
“animal/dog/fish companion” rather than “companion animal/dog/fish,” as
well. More on this reasoning below.
Example: I have three [pets] nonhuman roommates.
"The problem is that humans have victimized animals to such a degree that
they are not even considered victims. They are not even considered at all.
They are nothing; they don't count; they don't matter. They are commodities
like TV sets and cell phones. We have actually turned animals into inanimate
objects—sandwiches and shoes."
-Gary Yourofsky
Emphasizing Individuality
Because animals each have their own personalities and interests, instead of
being mindless groups only differentiated by species…
- Avoid referring to multiple nonhuman animals with singular word forms. This
perpetuates a view of them as one collective thing. Add -s or -es to the end
of words when appropriate--"fishes" instead of "fish," "sheeps" instead of
"sheep," "mooses" instead of "moose." Similarly, use "chickens" instead of
"poultry," “pigs” instead of “swine,” and "cows" instead of "cattle."
Example: [Salmon] Salmons are anadromous, meaning they are born in freshwater,
travel to saltwater to live most of their lives, and return to freshwater to
lay eggs.
- Do not identify animals by the exploitative situation they have been put it.
Instead of “circus animal” or “food animal,” say “animals exploited in
circuses/killed for food.” Since “companion” functions the same way in the
phrase “companion animal,” we recommend saying “animal companion” instead,
because this does not relegate their role to being a companion, but rather
describes the kind of companion that they are to us, and could easily say
“human companion” instead.
Example: At the next protest, activists will be advocating for lab animals
animals exploited in labs.
Note: We advise against using the phrase “farmed animal” as well, when
speaking broadly about species. A pig on a sanctuary is not a farm animal or
a farmed animal; but maybe he is a formerly farmed animal if that’s his
story. Even in this case, the best usage might be “an animal who escaped a
farm” or simply “farm refugee,” which we will discuss more below. Although
in some cases “farmed animal” might be the simplest way to get the point
across, never say “farm animal.” This euphemizes what happens to animals on
- Never refer to animals as “voiceless.” Animals speak, humans just
prefer not to listen. Just because we do not understand their language
does not mean that we have the authority to erase it.
Example: I am so inspired by the way you [are a voice for the voiceless]
the voices of the silenced.
"There's really no such thing as the 'voiceless'. There are only the
deliberately silenced, or the preferably unheard."
—Arundhati Roy
Boycotting Industry Terms
- Animal exploiters use euphemisms in an attempt to disguise reality. To
identify places that hurt animals, say "slaughterhouse," "aquaprison,"
"hunting area," or "enslavement facility" instead of "abattoir," "aquarium,"
"game refuge," and "farm," respectively.
Example: Baboons were confined in the [biomedical research lab]
vivisection lab.
- Evidence shows that nonhumans suffer just like we do, so our language should
reflect that. Abusers like to say "discomfort" instead of "pain," or
"dispatch" instead of "murder."
Example: The men artificially inseminated raped the cow so that she would become
Dismantling the Us/Them Binary
- To separate ourselves from the industries that exploit animals...
Do not use language that masks the fact that animals feel pain. Abusers like
to say that animals are “dispatched” or “processed,” but we should say that
they are “killed” and “murdered.” They also say that they “raise” animals,
but in reality, they bring them into existence just to keep them captive and
then slaughter them.
Example: Smithfield [raises] enslaves and then [processes]
murders almost 30 million
pigs a year.
- Change the names of the places that animals are being exploited to
accurately reflect their situation. Say “slaughterhouse” instead of “packing
plant,” “processing plant,” or “abattoir.” Say “aquaprison” instead of
“aquarium,” “vivisection lab” instead of “research facility,” and “hunting
area” instead of “game refuge.”
Example: There are baboons confined in the [research facility]
vivisection lab.
- Avoid words that the industries use to imply that animals are inanimate
objects. For example, in animal agriculture, they say that animals are
“cultivated,” “managed,” and “produced.” They refer to their work as “animal
husbandry.” These words, like “farmed,” are appropriate when used in
reference to plants, but injurious when used to mask the abuse of nonhuman
animals. And remember that animals are never “crops.”
Example: More [chickens] vegetables should be cultivated to feed the growing human
- Do not use industrial names for exploitative practices when they fail to
describe what is really happening to animals (which is far too often).
Instead of “artificial insemination,” say “forcible impregnation” or “rape.”
When you can, explain the processes of dehorning, declawing, debeaking, and
other acts of violenting removing a part of an animal's’ body. This is
better than simply using the word in a list of facts about what happens to
animals in these industries, because people often don’t understand the
enormity of these mutilations. These words may give off the impression that
removing these body parts are simple procedures rather than an act that
disables the animals for the rest of their lives. Avoid referring to the
practice of mutilating fishes as “fishing.” To use the name of their species
to refer to the act of killing them is frankly disgusting.
Example: In the meat industry, chickens are debeaked. chickens’ beaks are seared
off with hot blades so that they won’t peck at each other in their close
confinement. Many chickens die of starvation due to the pain of this
mutilation, which is dubbed “debeaking” by the industry.
Note: For more
on why animals should be seen as rape victims, and how we can talk about
this issue responsibly.
- Be mindful of the words that you use to refer to the animals themselves as
well. Animal agriculture refers to animals as “livestock” and vivisectors
refer to animals as “research models” and “specimens.” Similarly, when
farmers say they have “1,000 head of cattle,” it is a way to distance
themselves from the individuals being exploited. Avoid using these words.
Example: Over 99% of livestock animals exploited for food are on factory farms.
More About
Dismantling the Us/Them Binary
To acknowledge that we have much more in common with other animals than
is usually recognized by our species...
- Say "person/people" in reference to all sentient beings—not just humans.
“Beings” and “earthlings” are appropriate too, but “people” implies more
than any other word that nonhuman animals also have rights.
Example: Six people live in our house—three humans, two cats, and one fish.
- When using labels for other beings that could apply to humans as well
(animal, primate, mammal), place the words "nonhuman" or “other” in front of
it. This serves as a reminder that humans are not above the animal kingdom,
but a part of it.
Example: Rise of the Planet of the Apes is a movie about
nonhuman primates taking
over the world.
- Identify nonhuman animals with words that are typically only used for
humans. Here’s a working list: refugee, victim, comrade, survivor, friend,
child, family member, activist, resident.
Example: Luna is a survivor of the pet trade.
Refusing Pejorative Figures of Speech
- Because our language often disrespects and even harms animals with
our idioms and insults...
- Create compassionate versions of violent idioms. Our working list
with "violent" and "alternatives":
- Violent: “Kill two birds with one stone.”
Alternatives: “Feed two birds with one scone.”
“Love two birds with one heart.”
“Cut two carrots with one knife.”
“Beat a dead horse.”
“Brush a groomed horse.”
“Feed a fed horse.”
“Like shooting fish in a barrel.”
“Like picking berries from a basket.”
“More than one way to skin a cat.”
“More than one way to skin potatoes.”
“More than one way to pet a cat.”
“Quit cold turkey.”
“Quit cold Tofurky.”
“Bring home the bacon.”
“Bring home the bagels.”
“Bring home the tempeh bacon.”
“Let the cat out of the bag.”
“Spill the beans.”
“Take the bull by the thorns.”
“Take the flower by the thorns.”
“Be the guinea pig.”
“Be the test tube.”
“Hold your horses.”
“Hold on.”
- Don’t use animals’ names as insults. Animals who are commonly disrespected
this way are chickens, cows, whales, rats, snakes, dogs, sheeps, weasels,
monkeys, and badgers. Most of the time, these insults are based on false
stereotypes about animals, and their usage continues to normalize these
ideas about them. For example, chickens are not cowardly like speciesists
would like us to think; they are known to be stoic protectors of their
Example: That politician is a pig repulsive.
Prioritizing Sentience or Personhood Over Humanness
- Because there is no right that is inherently for humans and not for
anyone else...
Move away from saying “human rights” and instead try “sentient rights.”
Usually whatever we are talking about is also a right that animals deserve
as well, such as water or health care. Avoid slogans such as “women’s rights
are human rights,” because the rights that are at stake--reproductive
autonomy, freedom from sexual harassment, protection from
discrimination—are all rights that animals deserve too.
Example: Life is a [human] sentient right.
- Replace “dehumanizing” with “depersonifying” to remind others that
personhood, not humanness, is the criteria for being treated with dignity.
Describing an experience as dehumanizing is commonplace when one has been
abused, but this is problematic for two reasons: 1) It is a recognition that
animals are treated worse than humans, without actually challenging that
system, and 2) It is a reinforcement of the idea that humans deserve better
treatment than nonhumans.
Example: Spending the night in jail was a [dehumanizing]
depersonifying experience.
- Change the word “humanity” in contexts that imply that we are the only
species that matters or that there is an essence that humans have that
others don’t. “Crimes against humanity” are really crimes against all
beings. “Where is your humanity?” is an empty question that should be “Where
is your compassion?” or “Where is your heart?”
Example: Sustainable development is imperative for the sake of
[humanity] all
Remembering Ourselves as Allies
To center animals rather than ourselves...
- Do not refer to human activists as “heroes” for animals. We are still in the
oppressor position and should remain humble. If a label is necessary, choose
“ally” instead.
Example: “He exemplifies allyship to animals” instead of “He is such an amazing
hero for animals.”
- When talking about the stories of animals, make them the subjects of
sentences. This puts the focus on animals rather than us.
Example: “Ariel was liberated” instead of “We liberated Ariel.”
- When talking about the human acts of violence, make us the subjects of
sentences. This reinforces that we are the ones responsible for their
Example: “We suffocate fishes to death” instead of “Fishes are suffocated to
- Do not label establishments that hurt animals as “vegan-friendly.” A
restaurant isn’t friendly to vegans if they serve the bodies of animals,
even if they have vegan options too.
Example: “Chipotle is a vegan-friendly restaurant has vegan options.”
- Never talk about veganism as a personal choice, or indicate that nonveganism
is just as good an action as veganism. Veganism is imperative to seeing
animals as equals, and it’s our responsibility to not let nonvegans become
comfortable with their complacency.
Example: “Veganism is a stance against injustice” instead of “veganism is a
personal choice.”
Normalizing Vegan Products
Because choosing products that don’t harm animals is normal, not weird...
Say “vegan cheese” when you need to differentiate what you’re buying from
products of violence. Don’t say “faux” or “fake.” Vegan cheeses (and eggs,
meats, etc) replicate familiar tastes that many of us grew up with, but just
because they are made with plants instead of suffering doesn’t mean that
they are less real. Remember that products of violence are often filled with
artificial flavors and colors because they’ve been processed so much, so why
validate that as the “real thing”? Similarly, if a burger came from a cow,
don’t call that a “regular” burger in comparison to your veggie burger.
Example: They had both [regular] nonvegan burgers and vegan burgers there.
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