Animal Rights Activism
Be a Voice for the
�You must be the change you wish to see in the world�
Moo-ving people toward compassionate living
Flyers/Handouts on Eggs
This is the html version of the actual flyer. For a printable PDF version of the flyer, three flyers per page:
Click here for the PDF of the front page
Click here for the PDF of the back page
Front Page of Flyer
Do you eat eggs?
Does your church serve eggs?
Learn the horrible truth
To produce one egg, each hen has to spend 30 hours crammed into a cage with several other hens who live this way for a year and a half...tens of thousands of birds stuffed into cages stacked on top of each other in dark buildings laden with the stench of ammonia that burns their eyes, damages their lungs. They only see daylight on their way to slaughter. And each hen is always surrounded by the incessant shrieking of tens of thousands of other distressed birds.
After they stop producing eggs, their debilitated bodies are pulverized into chicken broth because there isn�t enough solid flesh left to be sold as �meat.�
Male chicks are of no use to the egg industry so they are murdered... by the tens of thousands...every day.
Free-range? Whatever minor advantages there may be for free-range laying hens over battery caged hens, male chicks are still murdered and when the hens no longer produce eggs, depleted laying hens all go to the same slaughterhouses.
Do you want to end this pain and suffering?
Treat ALL God�s creatures with compassion and
dignity...GO VEGAN
Back Page of Flyer
Visit or become one of our animal-friendly churches where people who
love and honor animals are welcomed
Help us end cruelty in places where people worship!
Throughout the ages, human beings have accepted killing, violence and violent behavior as just being a part of life. And organized religions have perpetuated and endorsed this kind of thinking, burying their collective head in the sand.
Churches talk about peace and love and compassion while we take pleasure in hunting animals, bull fights and cock fights, horse racing and fishing. In places of worship, people wear clothing made from the furs and skins of tortured animals.
And most importantly, our diets are based on violence toward and the deaths of billions of animals. And these kinds of meals are supported, endorsed and promoted by most religions.
We are urging people of faith to include all of God�s creatures in all programs, activities, sermons, events and fundraisers.
Mission and Purpose of
To promote through education the prevention of suffering and cruelty to any of God's creatures, human or otherwise, including, but not limited to their diet, their health and their living conditions.
To promote through education the elimination of the use of animals in biomedical research and testing, their use as food, or their use for any and all commercial purposes; and to protect the environment in which we all live, so that no living beings suffer from its destruction or pollution.
To support organizations that have similar goals of preventing any harm to any of God's creatures, human or otherwise, or to the environment.
To provide an internet archive of educational materials to assist both teachers and students in the furtherance of cruelty-free living.
The Mary T and Frank L Hoffman
Family Foundation
Unit 1012, 121 Tammy Trail
Athens NY 12015-3707
[email protected]
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Animal Rights Activism
The calf photo on these pages is from Farm Sanctuary with our thanks.
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All Creatures Animal Rights Article: justice, peace, love, compassion, ethics,
organizations, Bible, God, Lord, Jesus, Christ, Holy Spirit, grass roots, animals, cruelty
free, lifestyle, hunting, fishing, traping, farm, farming, factory, fur, meat, slaughter,
cattle, beef, pork, chicken, poultry, hens, battery, debeaking. Thee is also a
similarity to the human aspects of prolife, pro life, pro-life, abortion,
capital punishment, and war.
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