Matthew 22:15-22: What Belongs to God?
Animals: Tradition - Philosophy - Religion Article from


Stephen Kaufman, M.D., Christian Vegetarian Association (CVA)

Matthew 22:15-22: What Belongs to God?
October 16, 2011

This passage includes Jesus saying, “Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” What belongs to God?
Psalm 24:1 declares, “The earth is the Lord’s and the fulness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein”. While everything might belong to God as Creator, it does not appear that God routinely intervenes when people behave as if the world belongs to them. Indeed, in his book War Is a Force that Gives Us Meaning, Chris Hedges observes that those responsible for crimes against humanity are rarely punished. And we all know that those responsible for crimes against God’s creatures are almost never held accountable.
As Christians we are called to be faithful, regardless of anticipated consequences. Whether or not we expect rewards or punishments for our actions, I think that living faithfully means focusing our efforts on serving God. To do so, we must show respect for God’s earth, God’s animals, and all of God’s Creation.
Next week I’ll reflect on whether we are justified by works, and the following week I’ll reflect on whether we are justified by faith.

Go on to: Thoughts on Justification, Part 1
Return to: Reflection on the Lectionary, Table of Contents 

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